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Why these herbs are great possiblities to plant in your garden
Five things to do in the garden this week.
Why making your bed could be the secret to changing your life
People who make their bed report being happier than those who don't.
Tips on what to keep and what to discard when clearing out a family home
I get a bad rap for being the Stuff Police, the one who gets between...
Finding a Southern California plant that’s not in the ‘Sunset Western Garden Book’
Native to East Africa, it goes by the name of Nile tulip tree (Markhamia lutea).
Tips for the best pruning practices for the garden
Laura Simpson writes the Master Gardener column each week.
Why pineapple sage is one of the most pleasing herbs to grow in your garden
Five things that our garden columnist Joshua Siskin suggests doing this week.
There are simpler ways than canning to preserve your garden harvest
If you're lucky, you'll find yourself with more homegrown food at the end of the...
Why this slow-growing shrub never fails to bring a smile
Joshua Siskin writes about gardening in Southern California each week.